Life of Anak Mutiara
Just another weblog


Hi there,

I am a person with full of Self-Pride and Self-Respect. I am not happy and satisfied when anyone messsing around with me. I am not born on earth to be “clown” or to be fooled by everyone all my whole life. I am here with a reason to do more good than bad.

My advice is always respect your family and friends. They are important in our daily life.


Hi All,

Been quite somtime I have not blogging. My blog FULL of Dust and Webs.. Hehe.

Back to my topic “HERO”. Have you seen the show Heroes? I like tat shows so much. It makes me feel like I a Hero. I not superhero that can do magical stuffs but I can save a lot of people. I know I can because I realise I got something that I can save people.

My Deam, : ) I know 1 thing, I will create a legend in my life for the better.


Hi All,

It have been a lot of things happening throughout my life ever since I left Our Army(The Decisive Force). I went to explored a lot of opportunities around Singapore. Most of the opportunities are really fantastics. I did tried one of them but I never regretted. It made me from not Fantastic Person to Very Fantastic Person. I am able to understand myself better and the people surround me.

I took a break for a couple of weeks and found out I do changed a lot. Changed for Good and Better Person of course. Anyway been a long time I never took my break after ORD. Hehe

Hope my 2008, will be a great one!  

Wish You All Happy New Year 2008~!


Hi All~

Been a long time when I last Bloging. So sorry if u guys waiting. Oh Ya, Last Sunday we went movie outing at Vivo City. It was my first time to go to the cinema even though I stayed nearby. What an embarassing?! hehe.

You may be asking what do we watched? We watched WarLords. The movie is soooo cool~! I like the war scenes. In the beginning, I thought it already quite sad for the people who is hunger for food. Towards the end it is more sad because of the 3 Heroes.

But my conclude in the movie is…. Living in the past, there was only 1 opportunity to live happily on earth is to fight war for food. Look at Singapore NOW. There is no need to fight war just for food. We stayed a very luxury comfortable life. Most of us take things for granted and live by day.  

In Singapore we are fortunate because we have a lot of opportunities around. Why Not Look for it! Is matter of how do we see it and grab it. The opportunity I trying to say is Family Freedom n Do what we really Want in Life not other People Want.

Any Comments?


Hi all,

Singapore is e most Globalised Nation. More Expatriates coming over to invest and stay in Singapore because they know us well.

Study the graph below and Read on for more details HERE. Thanks to StraitTimes.



Hi all,

As u guys know, Singapore is a good place to stay. With a greenary scenary. Very beautiful. But to enjoy life to the fullest, we need to have Big Bucks. Take a look what is in the lorry. Please answer in the comments.  The lorry was captured nearby Sentosa.



Hi Singaporean,

Today the news came out a statistics, Singapore has a high inflation this time round. What?!@ I always thought inflamation. What is inflation? Bermakna? Tak ada Maknanya. Meaning Living Standards increasing in Singapore. Statistics also said more to come. So How?

Check out Here << seeing is believing..


Hi all,

Last Saturday, my brother and I went to balestier to pick up a lorry to rent for Raya Outing. Do you know what happen? Of course, you don’t know because I never tell you. Haha what a Lame question. K lah, I tell you now. We came down at 8am. We were the early bird to get the lorry but end up uncle said the lorry not at there. It was at Simei. Wah kaoz, have to wait. So we waited for about almost 2 hours. While waiting, we had our breakfast at Mama Shop to have our prata. We walked pass this provision shop similar to 7-11 shop called M-Mart if I was not wrong. They market out this fantastic Water. My brother saw it then he told me. Cool Right~! Hehe. After we had our breakfast, we went back to the shop to check whether our vehicle ready to collect or not. Unfortunately still not. sqeeeeettt..STOP

My title is Old Times how come I share what happened on Saturday story. I hope you dun mind. Hehe, I went to walk around the shopping centre and found this cute Tiger. Old school Tiger. Remind me the OLD times. Take a look at this pic.

Old Times
Cute Right. It remind me the advertisement in the past when I was young. Do this Tiger remind you too?


Hi all,

Yesterday marks a significant day for all muslim especially in Singapore. My family and I as usual we went to mosque for Hari Raya Prayer. The sermon was very long. It is about how we were our fasting month this year. Ask our heart to know ourselves. I felt guilty during the sermon. We are to keep upgrading ourselves everyday in terms of knowledge. Knowledge in all aspects in earth and also Day-After(Akhirat)

Day-After is a permanent where humans stay but not Earth. Earth is just temporary.


God is Great~!

We are gifted everyone to have 24 Hours. When a baby is born, he is given 24 Hours. As we go adult, we are also given 24 Hours. And we are elderly, we actually need less than 24 Hours. But God is Fair.

So there is NO such thing as NO TIME to do something. Time Management is Important. In Islam, do you know how short our life is?

When we are born in Islam, our father Azan to our Ears. When we die in Islam, we are to be prayed first before send to cemetry. In normal understanding, for example Zohor Prayer Azan has commence, we have to start our prayer immediately. See how short our life on Earth is. To all Muslim Friends out there. Do not neglect your prayer time. Once it is past, it will not come back.

We are the Last and Blessed humans to stay on Earth until Judgement Day.